Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do I look relaxed yet..........Do I look 43???

August 13, 1968....I was born and 43 years later I landed in heavan.  Well, close.  Who would have thought that I would be celebrating my birthday on the beach in Barcelona with friends and family.  Well, I guess I would have thought that.  What a great day.  Ask me what I want to do and I would tell ya, beach. wine, and friends.  Do I look relaxed yet.......

 Our friends picked us up and we were off to Caldetes.  A nice beach outside of Barcelona.  Clean beautiful and not crowded.  Notice, in these pictures the top is on.  My kids sure enjoyed watching the topless gals walk around the beach.  I didn't really think they would appreciate their mother walking around with a top on.
Asher is working on his photography skills,  at least he got my eyes in the photo.
oops, forgot to mention that  relaxing at the beach also meant with beer in hand....
Isaac, Sam, Zach ad Asher... could play for hours....

Wait..... is that my kid trying a muscle.  Now that is a birthday gift.. My pizza boy actually tried it and said he liked it.
After arriving home at around 5:30, we took a quick siesta and then showered up and hit the town.  My boys were sooooooo sweet to me.  Zach wanted my birthday to be so special.  He could not wait to give me the birthday gift that he bought for me.  You know that guy, my middle son, that for the life of him, can not keep a secret.  Well, he was strong and he held out the entire day by not telling me what he bought me.  Can you see, a beautiful necklace.  Oh ya....Asher's photography skills get a little weak at night.  Didn't get the eyes in this photo.

After dinner and dessert, a little stroll down Calle de Catalunya was in order. 

A little rest on the bench, boys???

I'm in bliss.  Me and my two boys. 

Wait... did I mention that my boys were at sleepaway camp for two weeks and the morning of my birthday, I retrieved them.  Do they look independent now and worldly??? 
A little sweet breakfast to start the day.  And Mom got to enjoy her cafe con leche before starting our day at the beach.
What a day! 
But to top it off, I received so many wonderful birthday wishes.  Facebook, I am sold.  That Facebook thing connected me with people from all over!  Thank you to all my friends and family for all your wonderful birthday wishes and not forgeting about us here.  We will be home soon and I am thinking maybe we should celebrate big. 
Oh wait, I have been celebrating everyday.  I guess we will just wait til next year.  Am I selling anybody on coming to visit me next year?????

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